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Year 6 Transition

Welcome to Northolt High School!


At Northolt High School we have a clear induction programme that supports students to make a smooth transition from primary to secondary school. In this area of the website, you can find guidance and key resources to support you and your child to prepare for life at secondary school. 

If your child is not currently registered with us and you have a query about Year 7 admissions, please contact

If your child is registered with us and you have a query about our Year 6 transition events, please contact

Year 6 Transition - The Northolt Way

Click here to see our Transition Timeline and Preparation for September Overview

Click here to see the Year 6 Parent Guide to Northolt High School

Click here to read what our Year 7 students say about life at Northolt High School

Year 6 Transition 2024 - Key Dates and Resources

Click here to see our 2024 Key Dates

Click herre to read our 2024 Parent Guide

Click here to see our 2024 Year 7 Home Learning Booklet

2024 Induction Day and Workshop Morning

Click here to read our Induction Day Newsletter (5th July 2024)
Click here to read our Workshop Morning Newsletter (12th July 2024)

Olive dining logo
Catering is provided by Olive Dining. Please take a look at our Canteen page for details of the wide range of food choices offered.