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At Northolt High School we are proud of our simple and smart uniform. Our uniform supplier is Kevin's Schoolwear in Greenford and you can find a current uniform price list below.

Uniform Price List 2024Kevins Schoolwear

Kevin's have reported to us that their prices have been frozen for uniform items this year.

At Northolt High School, our uniform policy is that we have high expectations of students' appearance as it is an important factor in establishing a consistent, calm and purposeful learning environment. All students are expected to wear full school uniform (including PE kit) as detailed in our Behaviour Policy.

In recognition of the cost of living crisis, we have amended our PE kit uniform so that new students joining us will now only need to purchase one branded item - the white PE polo shirt. The school will provide branded shorts/tracksuit bottoms and the branded hoodie to students in Year 7 who are selected to represent us in sports teams and these items will remain available as optional items to any student who wishes to purchase them. 

The above change means that the only two branded items which parents need to purchase are our school blazer and the white PE  polo shirt. We are confident that this change means that our school uniform is lower in cost than many other schools. 

Each year we are grateful that parents of students in Year 11 often donate good quality second hand uniform which we make available to families in need for a small fee. If you are interested in finding out about our second hand uniform stock, please contact our Parent Ambassador Angela Miller on